In Finland, the Stone Age began after the end of the last Ice Age in approximately the year 9000 Before the Common Era (BCE) and ended with the beginning of the Bronze Age and the Early Metal Age in approximately 1900–1700 BCE. The Stone Age is divided into the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. This division is mainly due to the fact that pottery begins to appear in finds around 5200 BCE. At that time, people living in the Finnish region learned to make vessels and objects from clay and to fire them for durability.

Fragments of a ceramic vessel, representing typical combware with decorations made with a "comb".

Fragments of a ceramic vessel, representing typical combware with decorations made with a "comb".

The Kierikki area has been found to have been inhabited between approximately 5000–3000 BCE in the Neolithic Stone Age. Read more about the Stone Age in Kierikki here.